The activator and its modification - A review

Authors : Aameer Parkar, Pavan Kumar Vibhute, Chetan Patil, Vinay Umale, Balagangadhar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijodr.2019.010

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 41-46

Introduction: Functional appliance are different varieties of appliances fabricated mainly to correct skeletal class II by enhancing mandibular growth. Functional appliances are mainly intraoral to which extraoral forces can be attached (headgear).There are number of functional appliances used such as activator, bionator, twin block appliance, Frankel’s regulators etc.
The activator, designed by Andresen and Haupl, was fabricated to advance the mandible by several millimetres for correction of class II malocclusion. The appliance was loosely fitted so that the patient could hold the appliance in position actively (by muscle activity or by functioning). The activator was modified by many practitioners to be used in different situation, depending on the cases.
This review will emphasize on the activator and its derivatives as it was the first functional appliance to be widely accepted.

Conclusion: The activator could be considered as an alternative within a modern orthodontic practice for correction of skeletal malocclusion in growing childrens. The success of the appliance totally depends on the patient compliance, orthodontist should consider this before planning for an activator (conventional activator- due to its Bulkiness), modified activators can be a better option in such situations.

Keywords: Functional appliance, Activator, Modified activators, Skeletal malocclusion.

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