Cataract patient profiling in a tertiary hospital

Authors : Chandrakanth Reddy, Divya Bheema, Kausika Garapati

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2019.014

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 52-54

Cataract accounts for 41.8% of global blindness and 81% of blindness in India 1, 2. By 2020, the elderly population in India is expected to double further increasing the number of blind people 3.
Purpose: To analyze the profile of patients presenting for cataract surgery.
Materials and Methods: A hospital based prospective observational studies was conducted on 500 patients presenting for cataract surgery. Socio-demographic and clinical data were noted.
Results: Out of 500 patients majority of them were 50-60 years of age (57.4%) among which most of them were females (63.6%). Many of them belong to rural background (78.2%). Major occupation was agriculture (44.8%). Most of the patients (76%) had a visual acuity less than 3/60 in operating eye. Pterygium (7.8%) and ARMD (8%) constituted major co existing ocular morbidities while hypertension (22.8%) and diabetes (12.2%) were common systemic disorders. SICS with PCIOL implantation was major form of surgery (84.2%).
Conclusion: This type of data collection reporting provides new material that can be used in better planning and improvement of cataract surgery services.

Keywords: Pterygium, Patients.

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