Correlation between V?O2max and systolic time interval in athletes

Authors : Mrunalini Kanvinde, Mrunalini Kanvinde, Vivek Nalgirkar, Vivek Nalgirkar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpca.2019.009

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 49-52

The goal of my study was to correlate V?O2max and systolic time interval as a evaluator of cardiovascular fitness in athletes. Depending on the need of oxygen to tissues V?O2max increases with a increase in cardiac output, stroke volume, left ventricular ejection fraction and myocardial activity as a athlete does treadmill from moderate to maximal, Data collection was done at Stress test lab. at Nerul, Navi Mumbai after taking permission from medical ethic committee. Athletes were asked to do treadmill and their V?O2max and systolic time interval were assessed with their duration of exercise by taking their BMI into consideration. For proper results, athletes were asked to do treadmill for 2 weeks In athletes, after doing unpaired T - test a gradual increase in systolic time interval as left ventricular ejection phase and duration of systole (P<0.001) left ventricular ejection fraction was somewhat increased (P<0.005) without any change in pre-ejection phase with increase in V?O2max (P<0 style="color:#333333">V?O2max is much more correlated with systolic time intervals (P<0>
Conclusion: Thus it was concluded that in athlete, V?O2max is directly correlated with systolic time interval.

Keywords: V?O2max, Treadmill, Athletes, Systolic time intervals, Left ventricular ejection fraction.

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