Comparison of the Air-Q intubating laryngeal airway with the Proseal laryngeal mask airway in elective surgeries: A randomized controlled study

Authors : Priyadharshini V C Moorthy, Priyadharshini V C Moorthy, Devyani Desai, Devyani Desai, M R Upadhyay, M R Upadhyay

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijca.2019.067

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 349-354

Introduction: P-LMA has proved its superior ability to be used reliably with or without positive pressure ventilation. The new Air-Q ILA is relatively a new supraglottic device, easy to insert because of pre-shaped curve.
Materials and Methods: 80 patients undergoing short elective surgeries under general anaesthesia were randomly allocated to group A (Air Q) or group P (PLMA).  General anaesthesia was given with standard dose of Propofol and supraglottic airway devices were inserted according to groups. Lungs were ventilated with control mode of mechanical ventilation.  Parameters observed were effective airway time, ease and attempt of device insertion, airway seal pressure, ventilatory parameters, fibreoptic evaluation of vocal cords, vitals and perioperative complications. Statistical analysis was done with Medcalc software using ‘Z’ test and Chi square test.
Results: The mean airway seal pressure of Air- Q was lower (23.95±1.709 cm of H?O) as compared to P-LMA (25.53±2.07 cm of H?O) which was statistically highly significant (p=0.0004). The fibreoptic evaluation of vocal cords revealed grade I/II/III view in 37/2/1 cases of Air-Q and in 1/30/9 cases of P-LMA (p=0.0001).
Conclusion:  The newer supraglottic device Air-Q is easy to insert and has an acceptable airway sealing pressure, hence can be used for controlled ventilation for short duration surgeries.

Keywords: Air-Q ILA, P-LMA, Controlled ventilation, Elective surgeries.

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