Prevalence of sensory processing dysfunction in children with difficulties in learning

Authors : Sharwari S Mutsaddi, Aparna Parag Sadhale

DOI : 10.18231/j.jsip.2019.004

Volume : 3

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 38-42

Introduction: Sensory Processing Dysfunction (SPD) is the impaired ability to receive, process and react to sensory information in an adaptive way. It has been associated with conditions like Learning Disabilities, Autism etc. Affection of the sensory systems may result in difficulties in learning and cause the child to fall behind in class.
Aim: To find the prevalence and types of SPD in children with difficulties in learning.
Materials and Methods: This study was a cross sectional analytical study conducted in the community. The sample size was calculated as 286, based on prevalence from a pilot study, acceptable error 6%, confidence interval 95% and non response 10%. Convenient sampling technique was used. The Short Sensory Profile (SSP) was used as an outcome measure.
Statistical Analysis: SSP was scored as per the manual provided. Descriptive analysis was done using excel.
Results: 53.46% of the sample considered had definite SPD, 25% probable SPD and 21.54% showed typical performance. Maximum affection was found to be in the order of auditory filtering, low energy/ weak section and under-responsive/ seeks sensation sections of SSP.
Conclusion: In this study, prevalence of SPD with difficulties in learning in children was determined as 53.46%.

Keywords: Sensory processing disorder, Difficulties in learning, Sensory integration, School children.

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