Tight hamstrings: primary culprit for acute pelvic girdle pain: A case report

Authors : Arun Kuamr Rawal, Sampurna Sett

DOI : 10.18231/j.jsip.2019.006

Volume : 3

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 46-49

Sacroiliac joint (SIJ) pain is the most common type of pelvic girdle pain in youngsters with sedentary lifestyle, the incidence of which being 60% of all lower back pain. The pelvic girdle is stabilized by ligaments (sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments) as well as by local muscles. Hamstrings along with sacrotuberous ligament provide posterior stability during functional activities. A 30 year old IT professional presented with acute onset of low back pain and difficulty in transition from sit to stand, walking & sitting for a long duration. Physical examination revealed disturbed Standing hip flexion test (SHFT), disturbed lumbo-pelvic rhythm, severely tight hamstrings & poor stability of pelvis. Based on the clinical findings, he was diagnosed as acute sacroiliac joint pain with anterior rotation of innominate. Manual therapy was aimed to achieve joint movement & correction of asymmetry, which led to significant short term functional recovery. Addition of hamstrings flexibility & core stability training resulted in functional betterment through correction of the asymmetry was not accomplished. Therefore, we can derive that the nociception that occurred was due to stress on the SIJ restricting the functional activity. Improvement in the functional ability and physiological movement of SIJ can be attained by correcting the muscle functions through manual therapy, exercise training, and pain rehabilitation.

Keywords: Hamstrings tightness, Sacroiliac joint, Pelvic girdle pain, Sedentary lifestyle, Innominate.

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