Endoscopic management of third ventricle colloid cysts, analysis of the technical nuances and the neuroendoscopic anatomy: A preliminary experience

Authors : Tabish Khan, Tabish Khan, Raman Mohan Sharma, Raman Mohan Sharma, Huda M. F, Huda M. F, Obaid A Siddiquie, Obaid A Siddiquie

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijn.2019.019

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 127-131

Introduction: Endoscopic excision of colloid cysts a minimally invasive and highly effective technique in
management of third ventricular colloid cyst.
Materials and Methods: Clinical and radiological data of patients undergoing endoscopic colloid cyst
excision were retrospectively analyzed in the period July 2017 to August 2018. Operative video were
analyzed for the colloid cyst anatomy and the surgical technique used.
Results: Five cases underwent endoscopic surgery during the study period. Three patients had dilated
foramen, two patients had retroforaminal type and coapted type of morbid endoscopic anatomy. Gross
total excision could be achieved in two patients, two patients had near total excision and one patient had
partial excision who had intraventricular bleed which was managed. There was no mortality. All the
patients return to their respective jobs postoperatively.
Conclusion: Endoscopic excision is a safe and effective surgical technique for colloid cyst excision. The
extent of excision depends on the experience of surgeon and the endoscopic anatomy of the colloid cyst.

Keywords: Colloid CYST, Third Ventricle, Endoscopic, Neuroendoscopic excision

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