Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in patients receiving psychotropic medications

Authors : Umesh Atram, Bodke Pradeep, Shrikant Desai, Sainath Maidapwad

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijn.2019.022

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 145-149

Introduction: Sexual dysfunction is a known adverse effect of psychotropic medications. Even though
sexual difficulties are common in patients taking psychotropic medications; very few studies have been
carried out in India.
Objective: To study the prevalence and nature of SD among patients with mental illness receiving
psychotropic medications under routine clinical condititions.
Materials and Methods: This study was cross sectional hospital based study conducted at tertiary
care hospital, Maharashtra, India. The study used a convenience sample selected during the outpatient
unit of psychiatry department. The study sample consisted of 53 married male patients who presented
with psychiatric illness as diagnosed by DSM-V criteria. Psychotropic- Related Sexual Dysfunction
Questionnaire (PRSexDQ-SALSEX)19, was used to assessed the participants sexual functioning.
Results: Study sample consist of 53 married male patients, the mean age of study sample was 36.74 years,
out of which most of the patients were from rural (64.2%) area. The results reveal that when there is
exposure to psychotropic in the patient, changes are noticed in the sexual activity. Sexual dysfunction was
highest in the antipsychotic group compared to others.
Conclusion: Psychotropic- induced sexual dysfunction is very common among patients receiving
antipsychotics medication. Clinicians should be aware about this while prescribing psychotropic
medications and should make treatment plan to manage psychotropic- induced sexual dysfunction for better
outcomes and patient’s compliance to treatment.

Keywords: Mental illness psychotropics sexual dysfunction

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