Odontogenic myxoma - A report of two cases

Authors : V R. Chandrababu Pamidi, Sridhar Reddy Erugula, Divya Jahagirdar, Gude Venkata Naga Sai Pratap, Vinay Jahagirdar

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdpo.2019.049

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 237-240

Odontogenic myxoma is a rare intraosseous neoplasm that has the potential for extensive destruction of the
jaws. It is thought to be derived from mesenchymal portion of tooth germ. Odontogenic myxoma mainly
affects the mandible, with a peak incidence in the second to fourth decades of life and have predilection for
the female sex. In this article, we report two cases of odontogenic myxoma in 31-year-old and 35 year old
male patients that involved right maxilla and right mandible respectively.

Keywords: Odontogenic myxoma, Mandible, Tooth, Maxilla, Histopathology.

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