Incorporation and distribution of crude palm oil fatty acids in the plasmatic lipids of consumers

Authors : DERE Kwadjo Anicet Luc, DERE Kwadjo Anicet Luc, DJOHAN Youzan Ferdinand, DJOHAN Youzan Ferdinand, MANHAN Kahissi´e, MANHAN Kahissi´e, KOUAME Andr´e Bhellis, KOUAME Andr´e Bhellis, TIAHOU Gnomblesson Georges, TIAHOU Gnomblesson Georges

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcbr.2019.063

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 283-288

Introduction: Among vegetal oils using in the world, palm oil is rating in a good position in Africa and
the countries of south-east Asia. Our research is a study of collective supplementation which elaborated in
a global frame of valorization of vegetal oils consumed in Cˆote d’Ivoire.
Materials and Methods: This study concerned 30 participants apparently in good health. Experimentation
lasted 15 days, and participants were private d of whole consumption of fat before and after
supplementation. The supplementation has been done during the lunch by addition of 70 grams of crude
palm oil in the rice after cooking and contained a portion of rice with lean fish. Every participant received
this meal throughout the supplementation. The blood have been picked prior to the onset of experimentation
(J0) and then seven days after (J7) and finally after fifteen days (J15). The assay was realized by gas
Results: The rate of satured fatty acids in total lipids during supplementation decreased significantly from
J0 to J15. Conversely, incorporation of monounsatured and polyunsatured in total lipids incremented in
same time growing up respectively from 23.51 to 28.88 and from 39.27 to 39.58 for MUFA and PUFA.
Conclusion: Crude palm oil possesses common advantages of vegetal oils, nonetheless its high
concentration of satured disquiet researchers. The implementation of new cultivars poor in satured fatty
acids and enrich in unsatured fatty acids will enable to fulfill the needs of health of several populations in
the world.

Keywords: Fatty acids, Palm oil, Plasmatic lipids

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