A study of prevalence of anemia in pediatric population in a tertiary care hospital in Amritsar

Authors : Neha Uppal, Neha Uppal, Anju Sharma, Anju Sharma, Sahiba Kukreja, Sahiba Kukreja

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcbr.2019.085

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 396-400

Introduction: Anaemia has a major negative impact in the development of children and increases the risk
of child mortality. It also reduces the cognitive and physical development. IDA is also ranked as the third
leading cause of disability worldwide and the 13th leading risk factor for the global disability adjusted life
years. Anaemia among children has been characterized as the haemoglobin (Hb) concentration present
below the diagnostic reference range. These Hb levels vary based on the age of the child and the laboratory
that is diagnosing the patient. Reference ranges have to be followed based on the age and diagnosing
laboratory. As per the study by World Health Organization (WHO), the Hb levels among children have
been characterized for recognizing the case of anaemia. These Hb levels are <11> age group of 6-59 months ), <11> in the age group of 13-14 years). In almost half of these cases, the abnormality is not evident following
simple full blood examination and is only detected by complete anemia panel to differentiate between
various caused so that exact treatment can be provided for proper development.
Materials and Methods: The present study will be undertaken in the Department of Biochemistry, Sri
Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Sri Amritsar.
Study Design: The present observational cross-sectional study was conducted on total of 3 00 children
aged 6-60 months , diagnosed with Low Haemoglobin (11 gm % <) on Complete Blood Count analysis
and willing to participate in the study with informed consent.
Exclusion Criteria: Patients suffering from serious infections, chronic infections and patients who have
received BT in past 8 weeks or haematinics in past 4 weeks were excluded from the present study. 5 ml
of venous blood will be taken in a dry disposable syringe under all aseptic conditions by venipuncture
from ante cubital vein for biochemical investigations which will be done on the same day of sample
collection. Serum Iron, TIBC (direct), serum B12, Folate and Serum Ferritin were estimated by enchanced
chemiluminesence assays on vitros 500.
Results: Total of 190 (63%) children were found anaemic out of which 52 % children were found Iron
deficient and 10 % were diagnosed with megaloblastic anaemia.
Conclusion: Such high prevalence of anaemia should be addressed immediately (in form of
supplementation and health education at regular intervals) to prevent adverse health effects in children.

Keywords: Anaemia, Pediatric anaemia, Children, Iron deficiency anaemia.

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