Bilateral Choroidal Osteoma - A rare entity

Authors : Teena Agrawal, Teena Agrawal, Mahesh Agrawal, Mahesh Agrawal

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2019.039

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 150-152

A 24 years old female presented to us with the chief complaint of dimness of vision in her right eye since few days and loss of vision in right eye since childhood. On examination she was having well defined yellow to orange slight elevated lesion at macula and peripapillary area and in the left eye marked depigmentation of macula with subretinal fibrosis. She had undergone Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and Ultrasonography (USG-Bscan) of both the eyes. On the basis of clinical findings and investigation, diagnosis of choroidal osteoma was made. The purpose of reporting this case here is that bilateral choroidal osteoma is a very rare entity and whenever a young female is presenting with this kind of lesion in retina, we should keep the possibility of choroidal osteoma in differential diagnosis.

Keywords: Choroidal osteoma, Choroidal tumors, Choroidal neovasular membrane, Antivascular endothelial growth factor.

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