Effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding nurses role in blood transfusion

Authors : Trupti Shende, Amol Khade, Bhupendra Gathe, Babita Sahu, Harish Bohra

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcap.2019.061

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 275-278

Introduction: Blood transfusion is an art as well as a science though it comes with many risks but still
it is an important life-saving procedure. Blood transfusion is a nursing procedure, assessment during the
procedure is critical because of the risk of allergic reactions. Many studies had been done to assess the
knowledge of nurses’ role in blood transfusion and the results are varied, we conducted this study to see
asses the same in Central India hospital.
Aim: To assess the effect of teaching on nurses role in blood transfusion.
Materials and Method: 40 staff nurses were selected with nonprobability convenient sampling technique
from hospital. Tool was prepared with step by step procedure. Prior to the preparation of the tool the
investigator consulted experts in the field and gathered information regarding blood transfusion, purpose,
indication, contraindication, procedure, nurses role in case of transfusion reaction, standard care of
guideline and nurses role of blood transfusion. Planned teaching and semi structured questionnaire was
Result: We got different scores at pre and post test which was statistically significant means teaching has
positive role on knowledge of nurses regarding nurse’s role in blood transfusion.
Conclusion: Planned teaching can be an effective tool for improving the knowledge of the nurse regarding
blood transfusion.

Keywords: Blood Transfusion, Planned Teaching, Nurse.

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