Perspective of post graduate students regarding the medical physiology curriculum

Authors : Bhanu R, Dayananda G, V Pramodh

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcap.2019.070

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 321-324

Introduction: With the scientific advancements and novelty in the field of medical education, there is an
evident requirement for constant changes in its educational curriculum, basic sciences in particular. Latest
innovations need to be updated in the educational curriculum of modern health sciences. As a part of
curriculum evolution, studies need to be done to explore the lacunae in the existing traditional curriculum.
The present study was carried out to determine the Postgraduate students’ perspective of the Physiology
curriculum with the help of a questionnaire.
Aims and Objectives: The study was done to find out the views of the postgraduate students with regards
to the physiology curriculum and also to invite suggestions for improvement.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at MVJ Medical College, Bangalore using a
questionnaire. The questionnaire was given to all Postgraduate students who require applying their basic
science knowledge in their broad specialties.
Results and Discussion: The results revealed that the majority of the students wanted to independently
perform and interpret the clinical skills. With regards to the technical skills, students wanted to
independently interpret or only observe the skill. Majority of them wanted small group teaching, interactive
teaching and more of integrated teaching. Most of them felt that traditional curriculum needs to be

Keywords: Basic sciences, Medical Curriculum, Questionnaire, Physiology, Perspective.

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