Responsibilities borne by a dental health professional towards public dental health education and awareness

Authors : Nafis Ahmad, Zeba Jafri, Madhuri Sawai, Nishat Sultan

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2019.038

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 166-167

Dental public health is a unique and a challenging specialty, because the patient per se is just not a single entity but the whole community or a population, like a school, neighborhood, city, state, or the entire nation. At the community level the concept of dental health education has its importance as the oral health is essential for the overall health and wellbeing. With the ever increasing links between oral health and systemic health, it is a social and professional responsibility of a dental health professional to educate the community about oral health issues. Poor oral health affects the quality of day to day life both at psychological and social aspect.
This paper aims to present a few efforts that can be put forward, as a dental health professional, for bringing awareness, improving oral health literacy, empowering individual's ability to maintain their oral health and seek dental treatment in time and also to accept oral health importance as a priority.

Keywords: Public dental health, Oral health programme, National oral health survey, Lack of awareness, Dental education camps.

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