Profiling of fatal electrocution cases in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh

Authors : Rajesh Ban Goswami, Rajesh Ban Goswami, A Dutta, A Dutta

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfcm.2019.039

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 173-176

Introduction: In our country mortality due to electrical injuries in maximum cases are due to unawareness and less safety measures adopted by the consumers and this is comparable with other countries. This study was conducted with the academic purpose and to assist the investigating agencies to arrive at proper conclusion in fatal electrocution cases.
Materials and Methods: The present cross sectional retrospective study of electrocution death cases was carried out in the Dept. of Forensic Medicine at Late Shri Lakhiram Agrawal Memorial Govt. Medical College, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh. In this study autopsy records of all electrocution death cases, which were autopsied at K. G. H. mortuary, Raigarh during the period of 04 years (2015- 2019) were included for research purpose.
Results and Observations: In the present study electrocution cases were 2.18% of total autopsy cases. In our study maximum number of victims belong to the age group of 11-30 years and males (81.63%) were more in number than females. Maximum number of cases occurred during rainy season (44.9%) and were accidental (85.71%) in nature. Household low voltage current (57.14%) was associated with maximum number of mortality cases. In our study entry wound was found in most of the cases. The burn injuries were found over upper extremities (53.06%) in maximum cases and the degree of burn was dermo-epidermal in most cases.
Conclusion: Most of the electrocution cases were occurring due to low voltage current in males during rainy season and accidental in nature.

Keywords: Electrocution, Rainy, Accidental, Mortality, Entry Wound, Dermo-epidermal.

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