The spectrum of benign breast diseases among females: A 6-year histopathological study

Authors : Shweta Pai

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2019.110

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 561-567

Introduction: Benign breast diseases have become a major health issue in modern times to contend with
owing to its alarming pace of increase in global prevalence and the adverse risk that it holds in turning
cancerous. They account for approximately 90% of all clinical presentations related to the breast.
Objectives: 1) To study the gross and microscopic features of benign breast diseases; 2) To categorize the
cases into different morphological types.
Materials and Methods: Materials for the study consisted of specimens of breast lesions received in the
Department of Pathology from SS Hospital over a period of 6 years. They were processed using the routine
prescribed protocol, following which a microscopic analysis of the stained smears were carried out.
Results: A total of 153 benign breast diseases were received in the department over a period of 6 years with
benign to malignant ratio of 1.6:1. They were seen more commonly in the 3rd decade. The most common
lesion was fibroadenoma accounting for 64.7%, followed by fibrocystic disease 16.3% and phyllodes tumor
(5.2%). Other lesions noted were lactational adenoma (2.6%), gynecomastia (1.3%) and inflammatory
lesions consisting of acute mastitis (3.3%), chronic mastitis (2.6%), granulomatous mastitis (3.3%) and fat
necrosis (0.7%).
Conclusion: Breast lesions are a cause of concern since some carry the potential risk of turning malignant.
Timely excision of lesion, evaluation and confirmation of histological findings helps us to differentiate
between benign from malignant lesions.

Keywords: Benign breast disease, Fibroadenoma, Fibrocystic disease, Phyllodes tumor, Inflammatory breast diseases.

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