Students perception regarding integrated pathology teaching programme for medical laboratory science curriculum: An institutional study

Authors : Subhashish Das, Subhashish Das, Afsar Pasha C, Afsar Pasha C

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2019.111

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 568-573

Introduction: Medical schools all over Indian mainly have lectures as the most widely used teaching and
learning methods. Current medical education imparts knowledge in a disjointed manner and does not allow
students to develop the skills to perceive the patient as a whole. There is need to teach the students by
correlating the various subjects to create interest and promote active learning.
Aim: This study was conducted to find out the scope of integrated teaching in the undergraduate medical
Setting and Design: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a medical college in the coastal region of
South India.
Methodology: Objectives that are to be achieved by the end of the integrated teaching were clearly drafted,
a detailed lesson plan was drafted and was circulated among the faculty and students, and it was decided
that the integrated teaching would be conducted in coordination between Department of General Medicine,
Department of Micro biology, and Department of Community Medicine.
Statistical Analysis: Collected data were using Likert scale.
Results and Conclusion: The pre- and post test scores showed that there was statistically extremely
significant increase in the knowledge. Overall, 67.8% (38) students gave a feedback of very good for
the integrated teaching on a whole. This method is an improvisation in the teaching methods to m eet
the expectations of the students and to improve the quality of teaching and has the ability to make the
teaching-learning process more effective.

Keywords: Integrated teaching, Students and faculty feedback form, Traditional teaching, Case based learning.

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