Psychological impact of Stillbirth on the Accoucheur

Authors : Preeti Sharma, Reema Dheer, Anu Chaudhary

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2019.094

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 431-434

This study was done to analyse traumatic impact of tragedy of stillbirth on obstetricians psychology and its
effect on professional decisions The tragedy of stillbirth is a reality in labour room despite of all measures
taken to prevent or reduce its occurrence. The accoucheurs are often not able to deal with the psychological
behavioural and practical aspects of Stillbirth. Despite taking all precautions and care some pregnancies do
end up with babies who do not survive while the labour room staff is accustomed for welcoming and caring
for live births. Hence tragedy of stillbirth is a trauma to them along with the parents and family. This study
is particularly relevant in terms of increasing rate of depression suicides and retirement of many obstetric
practitioners as they are unable to handle unpredictability and pressures and expectations of perfection of
outcome in each pregnancy. It also looks into incidence, causes and management of stillbirths which are
important aspects to prevent trauma of this tragic reality.

Keywords: Obstetricians psychology, Stillbirth, Traumatic impact, Accoucheur.

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