A comparative study on effect of 1% xylocaine spray on fallopian tubes before tubal ligation either by minilap or lap sterilization

Authors : N Chandra Prabha, K Padmavathi, A Anuradha

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2019.114

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 532-535

Introduction: In India, the most adopted way of family planning is women sterilization. Minilaparotomy
and Laparoscopic methods are regular ways of female sterilization. Tubal ligation in tubectomy is done
either by Minilaparotomy (Minilap) or by laparoscopy (DPL) sterilization in the women are regularly
practiced for permanent sterilization. Though routine I/V sedation i.e., injection Pentazocin 30mg plus
Promethzine Hydrochloride 25mg diluted with 8cc distilled water we re administerd slowly 5 minutes
before surgery and local infiltration anesthesia (1% xylocaine 10cc) is used as a regular practice, the
present study used 8cc of 1% xylocaine along the line of incision and 1cc of 1% xylocaine spray on either
side of fallopian tubes while performing tubectomy to further reduce pain and discomfort not only during
procedure but also post operative pain.
Aim: The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of topical 1% xylocaine spray for pain control during
tubal ligation.
Materials and Methods: To know the effect of 1% Xylocaine spray, 200 women desiring sterilization
by Minilaptubectomy and Double Puncture Laparoscopic Sterilization (DPLS) or lap techniques were
recruited. Age, parity, pain and acceptor satisfaction during procedure were recorded and compared with
values for 100 similar women undergoing same procedure without Xylocaine 1% Spray. The scores were
analysed statistically.
Results: The ‘Z’ score during the procedure was 4.9244 in the 1% xylocaine spray group and 6.6324 in the
group without spray (p<0> pain score compared with controls.
Conclusions: Significant pain reduction during the procedure can be achieved by using 1% xylocaine spray
along with routine I/V sedation and infiltration anesthesia while performing tubectomy (either minilap or
lap) and can be easily adopted and practiced.

Keywords: Women sterilization, Minilaptubectomy, Double Puncture Laparoscopic, Sterilization, 1% xylocaine spray.

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