Cervical fibroid in pregnancy - Case report and review of literature

Authors : Suwa Ram Saini, Ankur Nama, Santosh Khajotia, Swati Kochar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2019.117

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 545-547

Introduction: Fibroids are common during pregnancy with incidence ranges from 0.1 to 10.7% of all
pregnancies. However, cervical fibroid is rare among pregnant woman. Despite, most of fibroids show no
change in size during pregnancy, few may increase in volume due to elevated vascular supply to uterus
and increased level of steroid hormone. Depending on the size and type of fibroid antenatal and postnatal
hazards can occur.
Case History: We report a case of term pregnancy with cervical fibroid of 225 centimetre square size. In
this case caesarean section was performed and for fibroid conservative management was done to prevent
surgical complication and to retain future child bearing.
Conclusion: Pregnancy with cervical fibroid is very rare. Approximately 10% to 30% of women wit
h fibroid develop complication. This case demonstrated that in large cervical fibroid with pregnancy
conservative management over surgery can be the right choice.
Key message: Term pregnancy with big cervical fibroid should be managed by conservative approach
because myomectomy at the time of caesarean section can lead to inevitable complications.

Keywords: Cervical fibroid, Conservative management, Caesarean section.

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