Malignant hidradenoma of vulva in pregnancy-A rare case

Authors : Manjari Gupta

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2019.121

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 557-559

Introduction: Nodular malignant hidradenoma (NH) of vulva is a rare entity. It is a malignant, aggressive
tumor of the eccrine glands that was first reported in literature as a clear cell eccrine carcinoma in 1954.
It is a rare tumor with predilection for the head face and extremities. It usually present in sixth decade of
life with equal male/female distribution but cases have also been reported in children and neonates. Here
we present a case of malignant nodular hidradenoma vulva in a 20yr pregnant woman.
Case Presentation: A 20yrs old primi patient at 38weeks pregnancy presented to our outpatient
department with a painless vulval swelling since 3 months which had increased rapidly in size. On
examination the swelling was arising from upper one third of right labia minora. The mass was 4 x 4
cm in size and was displacing the urethral meatus towards left and involving the vagina upto the fornices.
The patient had history of excision of similar vulvar swelling 7 months back and the histopathology
was suggestive of hidradenoma vulva. Patient delivered vaginally after 2 days. She was thoroughly
investigated.CT scan lower abdomen and pelvis and chest x-ray revealed that it was a locally invasive tumor
with distant metastasis. Patient was given neoadjuvant chemotherapy for 3 cycles after which surgical
excision of the residual disease with bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy done post operatively 3 more
cycles of chemotherapy given. Patient was kept in regular follow up.
Conclusion: Malignant hidradenoma of vulva is a locally aggressive tumor with rapid progression, poor
prognosis and high recurrence. Early diagnosis and excision with adjuvant chemotherapy is imperative.

Keywords:  Malignant, Hidradenoma, Vulva, Metastasis.

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