Role of digital libraries in E-Learning

Authors : Suvarna S. Hiremath, Suvarna S. Hiremath, Somashekar Lalasangi, Somashekar Lalasangi, Shivakumar Acharya, Shivakumar Acharya

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijlsit.2019.017

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 61-62

Today the idea of e-learning or web based learning is getting accentuation in numerous Organizations like scholarly, investigate, corporate or government. Be that as it may, strategy for execution of e-learning is as yet an inquiry. Numerous Organizations have created separate IT based frameworks for e-learning. Computerized Library gives a good base to e-learning module. This article manages different parts of e-learning, Strategies for e-learning execution, job of computerized libraries in creating e-learning.

Keywords: Digital library, E-Learning, Internet.

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