Study of pre analytical variables in clinical biochemsitry laboratory

Authors : Shilpa Kasat, Kumud N Harley, Narendra S Dange, K S Ghorpade

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcbr.2019.119

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 575-578

Introduction: Advances in science and Technology have led to transformation of laboratory diagnostics
from manual, clumsy testing methods to fully automated science, ensuring accuracy and speed. Pre
analytical errors have a major impact on diagnostic accuracy of laboratory results. There have been
tremendous work and established quality control criteria for analytical phase of testing however there is
paucity of standards for pre analytical phase. Quality indicators (QIs) should therefore cover all the steps
involved in the pre-analytical phase, from test requesting, transport to sample storage.
Objectives: The following were the objectives for the study: 1. To discern the percent age of pre-analytical
errors in our central clinical biochemistry
Laboratory (CCL); 2. To stratify the pre-analytical errors documented at CCL; 3. To formulate the possible
corrective measures to be taken to minimise such errors.
Materials and Methods: In patients (IPD) 18,982 blood specimens requested and received at CCL for
various biochemical investigations during November 2018 to May 2019 (6 months) were first sorted out
for pre analytical errors. And n= 1907 blood specimens were identified with pre analytical errors were
further stratified and categorised according to the error contributing and expressed in percentage.
Result: Total 1907 blood specimens were documented and grouped under pre analytical phase errors out of
18,982 total samples received at CCL. When sorted for individual pre-analytical error, out of total n= 1907;
Improper request form (n= 107), incorrect timing of sample (n=37), improper labelling (n=65); improper
tube collection (n=67) ; insufficient sample (n=228) and in-vitro haemolysis (n=251), sample not received
(SNR) (n=1142) of samples amounted to be the major proportion of errors.
Conclusion: Pre-analytical errors are not inevitable and can be avoided with a diligent application of
proper quality control, proper education of phlebotomist about the errors and effective collection systems
to improve the total quality management of laboratory so as to ensure total quality patient care.

Keywords: Pre-analytical errors, Central Clinical Laboratory, Quality management.

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