Status Epilepticus revisited

Authors : Anand P Ambali, Anusha Reddy

DOI : 10.18231/j.agems.2019.009

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 22-25

Status Epilepticus (SE) is a medical emergency seen in all age groups. Status Epilepticus is defined as
a continuous seizure lasting more than thirty minutes, or two or more seizures without full recovery of
consciousness between any of them. For, all practical purpose any seizure that last for more than five
minutes can be considered as status.
The approach and management of SE especially in older people pose a great challenge to the treating
physician. The causes and clinical features in different age groups will be different. Multiple comorbidities,
electrolyte disturbances, polypharmacy, frailty and delay in diagnosis will lead to increased mortality in
older people.
There is worldwide consensus regarding treatment of status epilepticus, which is helping many lives being
saved. Despite availability of newer antiepileptic drugs, the main stay in management of SE is the use of
first line of injectable drugs with good results. These first line of injectable drugs are easily available even
in rural parts of India which helps saves life. The need for ventilatory support especially in older people
leads to increase in morbidity and mortality.
This article reviews current issues of convulsive Status Epilepticus in adults and older people.

Keywords: Status Epilepticus antiepileptic drugs older people.

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