Demography, clinical presentation and management of congenital blepharoptosis: A prospective interventional cohort study at a regional institute of ophthalmology in western India

Authors : Garima Agrawal

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2019.046

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 186-193

Introduction: Congenital blepharoptosis is a common presentation to our out patient department.
Congenital blepharoptosis may be myogenic, neurogenic, associated with misdirection of nerves. The
study was designed to document the demography, clinical presentation and management of congenital
blepharoptosis patients seen at our western regional institute of ophthalmology during the given study
Aim: The study was designed to document the demography, clinical presentation and management of
congenital blepharoptosis patients seen at our western regional institute of ophthalmology during the given
study period.
Materials and Methods: The study was carried out at our western regional institute of ophthalmology.
The study was a prospective interventional study in an institutional cohort. The study period was one year
from August 2018 to August 2019. Thirty five consecutive patients of congenital blepharoptosis seen at our
western regional institute of ophthalmology were enrolled for the study. A thorough history and clinical
examination was done. The type of blepharoptosis was identified and patients managed as per protocol.
Results: Myogenic ptosis due to a dystrophic levator muscle included 23 cases (65.71%) followed by
Marcus gunn jaw winking synkinesis in six (17.14%) cases. Congenital myasthenia was documented in
three (8.51%) cases. Third nerve palsy was seen in two(5.71%) cases and blepharophimosis syndrome in
one case (2.86%).
Discussion: The results presented are similar to other studies. We report a predominant involvement of the
right eye unilaterally (48.58%) as compared to the left eye unilaterally (25.71%). This finding is in sharp
contrast to that reported from other studies. More studies would be required to determine the exact cause
of this predominance.
We also noted a higher incidence of congenital myasthenia gravis in our patients as compared to other
This enigmatic clinical entity is presented from our unique perspective. The study adds to and complements
the world literature on the subject.
Conclusion: The study highlights the demographics, clinical profile and management of congenital
blepharoptosis patients seen at a centre of excellence in western India.

Keywords: Congenital blepharoptosis, Demography, Clinical presentation, Management.

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