Lacrimal trephine vs punch in external dacryocystorhinostomy: The surgeon’s choice

Authors : Sharmistha Behera, Sunita Pandey

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2019.052

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 226-228

Aim: A prospective comparative study to describe the surgical outcomes of external DCR using Kerrisons
punch vs Lacrimal trephine.
Materials and Methods: A prospective comparative study involving 56 consecutive patients of age
group 30-70 years over a period of 3 years who were randomly divided into two Groups. Group 1(n=28)
underwent external conventional DCR using kerrisons punch as against group 2 (n=28) where trephine was
used for osteotomy.
Result: Procedure success rate among Kerrisons group was 92.85% (26) vs 89.28% (25) in lacrimal
Trephine group which is found to be comparable. Overall success rate was 91.07% (51). Need of general
anaesthesia, more bleeding, longer operative time in group 1versus higher chance of nasal mucosal damage
in group 2 was noticed. Patients were followed up for six months after surgery.
Conclusion: Kerrison punch showed almost comparable success rate to lacrimal trephine group but
higher operating time for external DCR. Lacrimal trephine is relatively easier to perform, requiring shorter
duration at skilled hands.

Keywords: DCR, Trephine, Lacrimal, Punch.

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