An unusual case report of tardy ulnar nerve palsy following neglected fracture non-union of me dial epicondyle humerus

Authors : T Bhavani Prasad, Sameer Chaitanya Sahini

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijos.2019.054

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 272-274

Tardy ulnar nerve palsy is a condition presented as late onset ulnar neuropathy. Most commonly occurred as
a delayed complication of non-union of lateral epicondyle humerus with valgus deformity. Whereas tardy
ulnar nerve palsy occurred as a complication of fracture non-union of medial epicondyle was rare and a very
few cases were reported in literature. We report a case in a 15 year old boy with tardy ulnar nerve palsy
after neglected fracture non-union of medial epicondyle of humerus on left side, patient presented with
tingling and numbness of medial side two fingers with left hand weakness. We treated him operatively by
tension band wiring and olecranon bone grafting for fracture non-union medial epicondyle of left humerus
and ulnar nerve exploration and anterior transposition was also done.

Keywords: Tardy ulnar nerve palsy medial epicondyle fracture non-union ulnar nerve anterior transposition tension band wiring.

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