Evaluation of feedback from 2nd professional medical students on various teaching-learning and assessment methods in Pharmacology

Authors : Hiren N Hirpara, Divyesh B Sondarva, Hanmant S Amane

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpp.2019.027

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 126-131

Objectives: This study was designed to obtain & evaluate feedback on teaching-learning and assessment methods.
Material and Methods: A structured questionnaire was designed and prevalidated. After obtaining permission from Institutional Ethics Committee questionnaire was given to students of 2017 batch who had completed their 5th semester teaching schedule of pharmacology. They were asked to fill the questionnaire honestly without any pressure and give their valuable feedback on various teaching-learning and evaluation methods used in our pharmacology department during their classes and exams.
Results: One hundred fifteen students participated in the study. Majority of students (58.3%) are in favor of teaching pharmacology bedside in hospital. Among second year subject pharmacology was favorite of 39.1% students. 68.7% recommended interaction during classes that helps them the most to concentrate during lecture. Greater number of students (74.8%) find combination of chalk and board, PPT and audio video are more effective method to learn pharmacology in lectures having duration of 45mins (53.9%). Written and viva test after completion of each system and their feedback within a week help them most to prepare pharmacology for university examination.
Conclusion: This states that the constant updating of teaching methods are required to keep students more focused, interested and to cop up with the newer generation of students. Regular assessment and their timely feedback helps them to find out their weaknesses and strengths which will help them to prepare for their university examinations.  

Keywords: Evaluation, Teaching-learning, Feedback, Pharmacology.

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