A study on correlation of hormone therapy and endometrial hyperplasia

Authors : Nutanbala N. Goswami, Nutanbala N. Goswami, Alpeshpuri Goswami, Alpeshpuri Goswami, Umeshkumar Zinzala, Umeshkumar Zinzala, Abhijit S Khandkar, Abhijit S Khandkar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpp.2019.033

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 152-154

Introduction: The most common reason for performing an endometrial biopsy is abnormal uterine bleeding, a term that refers to any nonphysiologic uterine bleeding. Endometrial hyperplasia occurs when the endometrium, become too thick. It can lead to cancer of uterus. Endometrial hyperplasia most often is caused by excess estrogen without progesterone.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective observational study on 198 D & C biopsy specimen was conducted in histopathology section, of pathology department government medical college, Bhavnagar, Gujarat. Cases with endometrial hyperplasia were categorised as simple, complex and complex with atypia. The cases were correlated with history of hormone therapy. Data recorded and analysed statistically.
Results: Out of total 198 D & C sample 43 cases having history of either taking oral contraceptive pills or combined hormone therapy. 26 cases were reported histopathologically as endometrial hyperplasia. Maximum cases having endometrial hyperplasia where from perimenopausal age group (13.79%). Statistically insignificant difference observed for endometrial hyperplasia in patient taking combine hormone replacement therapy or as oral contraceptive pills (13.95%) compare with 20 cases having no history of Hormone intake in any form(12.90%).
Conclusion: The present case-control study was conducted to examine the relationship between recent use of hormone intake and its association with development of endometrial hyperplasia. Combined Hormone replacement therapy is not associated with higher risk for the development of endometrial hyperplasia.

Keywords: D&C, Estrogen, Endometrial hyperplasia, OC pills.

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