Prosthetic Rehabilitation of anopthalmic socket: Two case reports

Authors : Prema , Sounder Raj K, Anu Raveendran, Preeti M

DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2019.026

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 121-124

An ocular prosthesis is a simulation of human anatomic eyeball to create an illusion of a normal healthy eye and surrounding structures. So the perfect replication of colour, contour and size of the contralateral eye is essential to provide realism and symmetry for the patient. In addition, precise recording of the anopthalmic socket is also essential for the proper retention and form of prosthesis. This article aims to describe the prosthetic rehabilitation of two patients after enucleation surgery with custom made ocular prosthesis.

Keywords: Anopthalmic socket, Enucleation, Eye prosthesis, Ocular defect, Ocular prosthesis

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