Right humerus; An equation to estimate the length from its fragments

Authors : P S Bhusaraddi, P S Bhusaraddi, Vijay Kumar Shinde, Vijay Kumar Shinde, Pratik Khona, Pratik Khona

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijashnb.2019.027

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 101-104

Introduction: Many professionals including anthropologists, medical scientists and anatomists had been
using the anthropometric technique to estimate the body size since decades or even centuries. The study
which we have conducted in North Karnataka of South Indian was to estimate the length of the right
humerus from the dimension of proximal and distal segments of humerus using a regression equation. This
is absolutely essential for archeologists, anthropologists and forensic investigators, even when a fragment
of bone is available. The current study was therefore focused on the measurement of proximal and distal
segments of humerus from which the length of the humerus was estimated.
Materials and Methods: The maximum lengths of the right humeri (MHL) were measured and the mean
values were calculated. The different measurements of proximal and the distal segments of 53 right humeri
were noted and used in our study. Maximum length of humerus, vertical and transverse diameter of
proximal segment, transverse diameter and biepicondylar width of distal segment were measured using
anthropometric techniques. A regression equation was formulated to calculated the length of the entire
humerus provided we can access the measurements of different fragments available.
Results: With the measurements obtained analysis was done using descriptive statistics. Regression
equation for right humeri was derived to estimate the length of the right humerus. On applying the
regression analysis, among 53 right humeri, it was proved that, the vertical diameter of superior articular
surface had significant role in estimating the maximum humeral length with maximum correlation coefficient
of 0.94(p<0> Conclusion: Thus we can conclude that the length of the right humerus can be estimated from the measures
of proximal and distal segments of right humerus.

Keywords: Regression equation, Right humerus, Estimation of length, North Karnataka.

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