Anencephalic fetus with craniospinal rachischisis - Case report

Authors : Sangeeta S Kotrannavar, Sangeeta S Kotrannavar, Vijaykumar S Kotrannavar, Vijaykumar S Kotrannavar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijashnb.2019.032

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 124-126

Anencephaly is a severe neural tube defect (NTD) caused by failure of closure in the cranial neuropore
during fourth week of pregnancy. As a result, major portion of the brain, skull and scalp is absent.
Anencephaly may be associated with rachischisis, where defective neural tube closure is extensive and
spinal cord is exposed. Overall incidence of anencephaly is one in every 1000 births. It can be easily
diagnosed by ultrasonography. Anencephaly newborns are not viable nor treatable and classified as lethal
NTDs. Nutritional and environmental factors play a role in production of NTDs. Here we report and
discuss a rare case of anencephalic fetus with craniospinal rachischisis of 25 weeks of gestation and their
embryological origin.

Keywords: Anencephaly, Neural tube defect, Rachischisis.

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