Osteomyelitis as a consequence of ankylosis of TMJ: A case report

Authors : Barnanshu Pattnaik, Monika Kumari, Srikant Surendra Sharma

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmi.2019.024

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 89-92

The word ankylosis means stiff joint. Ankylosis is restriction of movement of the condyle disc complex resulting in restriction of mouth opening. Trauma is the leading cause of TMJ ankylosis. TMJ ankylosis leads to decrease in interincisal distance leading to poor oral hygiene and nutritional intake. Here is a case of 18 year old female patient who complained of pus discharge from her right side of face since 3-4months. She presented with history of poor oral hygiene due to restricted mouth opening. On clinical evaluation, there was restriction in movement of right condyle along with decreased height of ramus. Correlating clinical and radiological findings, a diagnosis of osteomyelitis with ankylosis of right condyle and right hemifacial hypoplasia was given and was referred to higher centre for needful management. Although not directly but indirectly ankylosis is related to osteomyelitis as TMJ ankylosis causes reduced mouth opening leading to poor oral hygiene which subsequently leads to dental caries and when untreated osteomyelitis as one of its consequences.

Keywords: Ankylosis, Osteomyelitis, Trauma, Inter-maxillary distance.

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