Comparison of the role of letrozole & clomiphene citrate as a first line ovulation induction drug in infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Authors : Rashm Hegde, Camelia Maitra

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2020.003

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 12-15

Aim: To compare the role between Clomiphene Citrate & letrozole for infertile patients with Polycystic
Ovary Syndrome as an ovulation induction agent & which drug can be chosen as a first line ovulation
induction agent in future.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study was carried at SSIMS & RC OBG OPD. Total 50 patients
of PCOS (diagnosed by Rotterdam criterion) were included in this study. In this clinical trial out of 50
patients, 25 patients received Clo miphene Citrate 100mg (n=25) and rest 25 patients received Letrozole
2.5mg (n=25) daily since day 2-6 or3-7 of menstrual cycle. Follicular respose was carried out from day 9
by trans-vaginal sonogram till atleast 1 mature follicle (18-22mm) was detected & hCG was administered
at a dose of 5000 IU. Timed intercourse was advised 24-36 hours after hCG injection. The number of
Follicles, Endometrial Thickness, Ovulation rate & Pregnancy rate were measured in both groups.
Result: Monofollicular development was statistically significantly, greater in the Let group (CC 61.9%, Let
86.9%). There was also statistically significant difference between the two groups in endometrial thickness
(CC 7.861.25mm, Let 9.181.49mm). Similarly, The ovulation rate was 84%% in CC group and 92% in
Let group. The pregnancy rate was 20% in CC group and 36% in Let group.
Conclusion: Letrozole might be an acceptable alternative to clomiphene citrate to induce ovulation and
pregnancy in PCOS patients.

Keywords: Letrozole, Clomiphene citrate, PCOS Infertility.

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