Authors : Vasudha Deepak Patil, Gajanan Belwalkar, Nitin Nagane, Sushma Dhonde
DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcbr.2022.052
Volume : 9
Issue : 3
Year : 2022
Page No : 272-275
Introduction: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common metabolic and endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age group. It is the first leading cause of infertility in females with incidence of 5-10%.Polycystic ovarian syndrome encloses a spectrum of clinical and metabolic diseases that are associated with cutaneous excess androgen status which includes acne resistant to treatment, hirsuitism, male or female pattern baldness, ovulatory and menstrual disturbances such as irregular bleeding, amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, polycystic ovaries, obesity and insulin resistance.
Aim and Objectives: To study lipid profile and insulin resistance in polycystic ovarian syndrome women.
Materials and Methods: The present study included 60 diagnosed PCOS women in the age group of 16-40 years. Lipid profile (TC, TG and HDL) was done on fully automatic Meril 400 biochemistry analyzer. LDLwas calculated from TC, TG and HDL cholesterol as per Friedewald calculation. Fasting plasma glucose done in semiautoanalyser and serum insulin is measured by CLAI. Insulin resistance (IR) was calculated by using HOMA model (HOMA IR).
Observations and Results: Deranged serum lipids in the present study was mainly in the form of decreased HDL levels. Serum TC, TG and LDL levels were within normal range in most of the cases. Insulin resistance was prevalent in 75% PCOS cases in the present study.
Conclusion: The women with PCOS should be screened for lipid profile which can be helpful in assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Keywords: Polycystic ovary, Insulin resistance, Lipid profile