Fixed dentulous appliance for maxillary edentate pediatric ridge: A case report

Authors : Vinita Goyel, Ivin Wilson, Aman Jain, Shivani Mathur, Radhika Chopra

DOI : 10.18231/j.jds.2019.030

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 132-134

This article discusses about a fixed dentulous appliance that was constructed to replace the primary upper anterior teeth in a five year old boy. It constituted of a design, where the maxillary primary second molars were used to support the appliance through bands and a wire that contained spurs bearing strip crowns, anteriorly. The appliance was functionally and aesthetically compliant.

Keywords: Early childhood caries, Fixed dentulous appliance, Pediatric ridge.

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