Apexification using MTA: A challenging approach

Authors : Tanu Mahajan, Rohit Kochhar, Manju Kumari

DOI : 10.18231/j.jds.2019.031

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 135-139

It is always a challenge to conserve a non vital tooth with immature root due to open root apices. Apexification is a method which induces a calcific barrier at the apex of a nonvital tooth with open apices.1 Mineral trioxide aggregate [MTA] is an inert filling material and that is why it makes a perfect seal at the apex. Apexification treatment is supposed to create an environment that permits the deposition of cementum, periodontal ligament and even bone in a non vital pulp tooth. Frank has described four successful results of Apexification and that are continued closure of the canal and apex to a normal appearance, a dome shaped apical closure with the canal retaining a blunderbuss appearance, no apparent radiographic change but a positive stop in the apical area or a positive stop and radiographic evidence of a barrier coronal to the apex of the tooth.

Keywords: Apexification, Open apices, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Blunderbuss canal

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