Molecular characterization of dengue and chikungunya viruses and their association with the liver profile

Authors : Abhinav Manish, Abhinav Manish, Tariq Masood, Tariq Masood, Amit Verma, Amit Verma, Narotam Sharma, Narotam Sharma, Rajeev Singh Kushwaha, Rajeev Singh Kushwaha

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcbr.2020.025

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 124-129

The episode of acute febrile illnesses increases day by day due to poor socioeconomic status in developing
nations. Dengue and Chikungunya are emerged as important arboviral and alpha virus diseases respectively,
with significant impact on disease burden residing these areas. Both viruses, seems to have hepato-toxic
effect. Affiliation of liver in form of derangement in liver function tests is common. Present study focuses
on the hepatic manifestations of the liver injury in dengue and chikungunya patients. A cross-sectional
study was conducted on patients attending Out-patients and In-patients Department of Medicine at Shri
Mahant Indiresh Hospital Dehradun. 161 cases were included in the study. 5 ml of blood sample from
each of them is collected in a sterile test tube. The blood samples were analyzed via RT-PCR technique at
Central Molecular Research Lab in Biochemistry Department of Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute Of Medical
and Health Sciences Dehradun and Liver profile was analyzed at SMI Hospital. Liver enzymes were found
to be raised in male as well as in females for both dengue and chikungunya. But dengue was found to be
more hepato-toxic when compared to chikungunya with statistical significance value (<0>

Keywords: Febrile illness, Dengue, Chikungunya, Hepatotoxic, RTPCR.

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