Study of impact of haemodialysis on chronic kidney disease patients in pre and post haemodialysis periods

Authors : Shashikala G Hiremani, Shashikala G Hiremani, Shivananda Gundalli, Shivananda Gundalli, Mamata Patil, Mamata Patil, Renuka Alalageri, Renuka Alalageri, Shivanagouda Patil, Shivanagouda Patil

DOI : 10.18231/j.achr.2020.009

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 37-40

Introduction and Objectives: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is progressive loss of renal functions. The
degree of renal functions impairment correlates with the severity of renal failure. Hence patient needs
renal replacement therapy. Haemo dialysis is one of the renal replacement therapy where in body’s waste
products including creatinine, urea and excess water are removed.
Objectives: To study impact of haemodialysis on CKD patients in pre and post heamodialysis periods.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted on 91 CKD patients from Jan 2017 to
June 2019 in the department of Pathology and Nephrology, District hospital Vijayapur. All 91 patients
renal functions were studied in pre haemodialysis period (before the first cycle of haemodialysis) and
post haemodialysis period (After the last haemodialysis cycle after two half year). Regular follow up
of these patients done during study period (Two and half years). Renal functions tests of these patients
were assessed by testing the blood urea and serum creatinine and measuring urine outflow levels of each
individual by using standard techniques in pre haemodialysis period then comparing those parameters with
post haemodialysis period.
Inclusion criteria: Improved CKD patients and deaths of CKD patients.
Exclusion criteria: Acute Kidney disease patients.
Results: All 91(100%) patients renal function tests in pre haemodialysis period were highly impaired. 57
(62.6%) patients were having and high blood urea (150 -20 0 mg/ dl), high serum creatinine (11.1 -14 mg/
dl) and low levels urinary flow (ranging 200 -400 ml / 24 hours). 21 (23.1%) patients were ha ving high
blood urea (100 -150 mg/ dl), high serum creatinine (8.1 -11 mg/ dl) and low levels urinary flow (ranging
401 -800 ml / 24 hours). 13 (14.3%) patients were havin g high blood urea (50 -100 mg/ dl), high serum
creatinine (5.1-8 mg/ dl) and low levels urinary flow (ranging 801 - 1200 ml / 24 hours).
All 91(100%) patients in post haemodialysis period, renal function tests were done. It was found 55 (60.4
%) patients renal functions tests shows significant improvement with haemodialysis therapy. 32(41.7%)
patients were showed improved blood urea (121-150 mg/dl), creatinine (7.1-9 mg/ dl) levels and urine
outflow levels (400 -800 ml /24 hours). 11(12.1%) patients showed improved blood urea (91-120 mg/dl),
creatinine (5.1 -7 mg/dl) and urine outflow levels (800 -1200 ml / 24 hours). 12(13.2%) patients showed
improved blood urea(61 -90 mg/dl), creatinine (3.1-5 mg/dl) and increased urine outflow levels (1200 -1600
ml /24 hours).
There was significant improvement in blood urea, serum creatinine and urine outflow levels in post
haemodialysis period of 91 studied CKD patients when compared with pre haemodialysis period
Major underlying cases for CKD were Chronic Glomerulonephritis in 62(68.1%) patients.
Conclusion: There is improvement in renal functions after the haemodialysis therapy. Hence
haemodialysis will play a significant role in improvement of renal functions in chronic kidney disease

Keywords: CKD Haemodialysis, Urea, Creatinine, Urine out flow.


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