Critical analysis of head and neck swelling with respect to cytomorphological diagnosis: A retrospective study

Authors : Nilam Bhasker, Nilam Bhasker, Meeta Pathak, Meeta Pathak

DOI : 10.18231/j.achr.2020.012

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 58-62

Introduction: Head and neck lesions are common as compared to other body lesions. In head and
neck swellings- cervical lymph node swellings, thyroid swellings and salivary gland enlargement are
included. Fine needle aspiration cytology ( FNAC)is less invasive, cost effective, safe and satisfactory
OPD procedure.
Aims and objective: To study the spectrum of lesions in head and neck in our semi urban area. And also
assess the role of fine needle aspiration cytology in diagnosing the palpable head and neck swelling.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in department of pathology over a
duration of 6 months on all age group patients in both sex male, female. This study had included total
number of 392 patients with neck swelling in both kind of patients either indoor or outdoor. The fine
needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) procedure was done in these patients with using 23 gauge needle and
20 ml disposable syringe for aspiration.
Results: The study included total number of 392 cases. FNAC revealed 247 cases (63.01%) of
cervical lymph node in which non neoplastic lesions were in 146(59.11%) and malignant lesions were
in 85(34.41%) cases in which metastatic carcinoma was common.
Conclusion: Fine needle aspiration cytology will be more helpful in neck swelling because of safe, cost
effective and less painful comparatively biopsy. It can be easily performed in children and old age patients
without giving anaesthesia.

Keywords: Cervical Lymph nodes, FNAC thyroid head and neck swellings.

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