Utility of rapid brillant cresyl blue stained wet mount preparation in routine fine needle aspiration cytology

Authors : Vipina K, Preethamol S, Anitha S

DOI : 10.18231/j.achr.2020.013

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 63-69

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology is the preliminary investigation employed for superficial and deep
swelling in the body. It provides early information regarding the lesions before performing biopsy and
aid in the treatment plan of the patient. However sample inadequacy from representative lesion may render
patients to repeat aspirations and may also cause delay in reports. There is an ever increasing demand for
rapid diagnosis in cytology. The present study was conducted to assess the utility of brilliant cresyl blue as
a rapid stain in fine needle aspiration cytology.
Objective: To assess the utility of rapid Brilliant cresyl blue (BCB) stained wet mount preparation in
routine fine needle aspiration cytology.
Materials and Methods : The study was carried out in the Cytology laboratory, Govt. Medical
College Thiruvananthapuram and PG Pathology Lab, Department of MLT, Govt. Medical College
Thiruvananthapuram for a period of six months. A total of 50 cases referred to cytology laboratory for
FNAC were included in this study. A wet mount preparation with Brilliant cresyl was prepared immediately
after aspiration and examined for cellular adequacy and cytomorphology, which was then compared with
the routine Papanicolau stained smear .
Results & Conclusion: In situations for rapid diagnosis, and to assess the cellular adequacy of a lesion
Brilliant cresyl blue staining method is very helpful. Most of the cases diagnosed as malignant on Brilliant
cresyl blue staining correlate with the Pap stain. All the cases diagnosed as benign on rapid brilliant cresyl
blue stain were also diagnosed as benign with Pap stain. The result clearly indicate that the brilliant cresyl
blue stained wet mount preparation can be used as a rapid supplementary diagnostic procedure in FNAC at
least for urgent reporting and sample adequacy assessment.

Keywords: FNAC, Papanicolaou stain, Brilliant cresyl blue supravital stain, Cytology

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