Traumatic rupture of heart due to blunt trauma to chest: an autopsy case report with review of literature

Authors : Kavyesh Sahu, Pankaj Suresh Ghormade, Swapnil Prabhakar Akhade

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfcm.2022.028

Volume : 9

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 128-132

Road traffic accidents (RTA) result in the deaths of approximately 1.3 million people around the world each year; among them, more than half of all road traffic deaths and injuries involve vulnerable road users, such as cyclists, motorcyclists, along with pillion riders and pedestrians. Blunt cardiac trauma (BCT) often results from high-impact mechanisms caused by motorcycle crashes, motor vehicle accidents, fall injuries, and crush injuries. Thoracic injuries, causing a significant injury to the myocardium, account for morbidity and mortality (often instantly fatal) among trauma patients. We encountered a case of RTA in which 24 years old male sustained blunt trauma to chest. Autopsy findings revealed traumatic rupture of anterior wall of left ventricle leading to hemopericardium. Cardiac contusions were found over the right ventricle and left atrium. Histopathology of heart ruled out the myocardial infarction. Present case highlights the plausible mechanism involved in traumatic rupture of the heart. Finding out the exact cause of cardiac rupture in such cases have profound medicolegal significance.

Keywords: RTA, Autopsy, Blunt trauma chest, Left ventricle, Rupture, Myocardial infarction.

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