A study of tumours and tumour like lesions in the Eye and its Adnexa: Our experience of 80 cases with review of literature

Authors : Somnath J Nandkar, Bharat R Sonwane

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2020.001

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 1-9

Introduction: The eye is a unique special sensory organ which exhibits diverse histologic structures.
Clinical signs symptoms of ocular malignancies simulate more commonly occurring benign conditions
which pose great difficulties both for treating clinicians even experienced pathologists.
The present study is to evaluate the histomorphological spectrum of lesions of entire eyeball and ocular
adnexa to compare our results with other studies.
Materials and Methods : The present study included the 80 cases of tumours tumour like lesions in the
eye its adnexa, in our institute during June 2013 to October 2015.
All biopsies were embedded completely after thorough gross examination, resected specimens were noted
for size, shape, consistency approximate section were taken. The enucleated eyeballs are sectioned
according to stard protocols.
Results: In the present study, 80 cases of tumours and tumour like lesions in the eye its adnexa was carried.
Out of these, eye lid was affected in 43 cases (53.75%), conjunctival cornea in16 cases (20%), intraocular
in 17 cases (21.25%) orbit in 4 cases (05%).
Among 80 cases maximum 44 cases (55%) were of malignant tumours followed by tumour like lesions 24
cases (30%) 12 cases (15%) of benign tumours.
Conclusion: Histopathological examinations of orbital ocular lesions are absolutely mandatory for
definitive diagnosis and further management. Illiterate patient take some home remedies, which leads to
complications and loss of eyesight. So awareness is needed to ensure early presentation.

Keywords: Tumour, Eyeball adnexa, Tumour like.

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