Ultrasonography and Doppler ultrasonography in the evaluation of intraosseous lesions of the jaws

Authors : Saima Tariq, Altaf Hussain Chalkoo, Rizwan Hamid

DOI : 10.18231/j.jooo.2020.003

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 5-11

Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of ultrasonography and colour and power Doppler ultrasonography for diagnosis of intraosseous lesions of the jaws and to correlate the contents of the lesion with the histological findings.
Materials and Methods: 30 patients with intraosseous jaw lesions in the maxilla or mandible were included in the study. Ultrasonographic examinations were performed and, according to the ultrasonography findings, the jaw lesions were classified into three groups: cystic, semisolid and solid. Further, colour Doppler ultrasonographic examination was performed to evaluate blood flow in all patients following which surgical treatment was done. The correlation between ultrasonography and Doppler ultrasonography findings of the lesions and histological findings was investigated.
Results: Thirty intra-osseous lesions from twenty nine patients were evaluated in this study. Twenty two lesions were located in the mandible and eight were in the maxilla. Of the thirty lesions, the ultrasound examination was inconclusive in one lesion because of the thick cortical vestibular bone plate and for two lesions histopathology was not available.
Conclusions: Information regarding the content of intraosseous jaw lesions can be obtained using ultrasound before any surgical procedure. Further, vascularization of the lesion can be assessed via Doppler ultrasonography. Also, there was a correlation between the ultrasound findings and the definitive histological diagnosis.

Keywords: Intraosseous, Ultrasonography, Doppler ultrasonography, Histopathology.

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