Authors : Derik Donson Nanda
DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpns.2022.022
Volume : 5
Issue : 3
Year : 2022
Page No : 133-138
Introduction: Cardiac catheterization is performed to evaluate coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, congestive heart failure, and/or certain congenital (present at birth) heart conditions, such as atrial, septal defect or ventricular septal defect, when other less invasive types of diagnostic tests indicate the presence of one of these conditions. Many of the studies and researcher’s own experience reveal an inadequate knowledge among the staff nurses. Hence the researcher wants to improve the knowledge of staff nurses regarding cardiac catheterization by using a Structured Teaching Programme.
Materials and Methods: research approach: For the present study, evaluative research approach. research design : For the present study, research design selected is one group pre -test and post- test design.
Result: In pre-test the level of the knowledge score 50% of the staff nurses have average knowledge, 32% of the staff nurses have good knowledge, 18% of the staff nurses have poor knowledge about the cardiac catheterization And in post test the level of the knowledge score of the staff nurses that is 80% of the staff nurses have excellent knowledge and 20% have good knowledge about cardiac catheterization. Area-wise analysis of the knowledge score of pre test level Analysis reveals that the total mean score was 18.5which were 54.4%of the maximum score. Area-wise analysis of the knowledge score of post test level Analysis reveals that the total mean score was 28.42 which were 83.6% of the maximum score.
Conclusion: There is a significant association between the post-test knowledge with the demographic variables like Years of experience in clinical field and cardiac unit.
Keywords: CHD, Coronary heart disease CC: Cardiac Catheter, M.P. - Madhyapradesh