A clinicopathological study of non-infectious papulo - squamous lesions of skin

Authors : V. L. Kusuma Chandrika, Krishna Tadepalli

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdpo.2020.029

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 141-143

Aim: The prospective study is aimed to study the clinicopathological characteristics of various non
infectious papulo - squamous lesions among the skin biopsies.
Materials and Methods: Skin biopsies of patients presenting with clinical manifestations of Papulo –
squamous lesions to the outpatient Department of dermatology. A total of 65 cases were studied.
Results: During the study period total number of skin biopsies received was 192, among
These, non infectious Papulo - squamous lesions were 65, accounting to 33.85%. In the present study
Lichen Planus (64.6 %) was the most common lesion followed by Psoriasis (24.6 %), Pityriasis Rosea
(6.2%), and Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris (3.1 %).
Conclusion: Papulo - squamous lesions of skin are commonly seen by Dermatologists in their daily practice
and because of the considerable overlap in their clinical pattern, presentation and distribution, clinical
diagnosis is often difficult. So histopathological study will give a conclusive diagnosis.

Keywords: Papulosquamous lesions, Lichen Planus, Psoriasis.

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