Ocular injuries following road traffic accidents: A hospital based case series study

Authors : Anupama C Shetgar, Darshini L Mallkarjunaswamy, Jayashree M Padmaraj, Divya Ramanna, Raksha H Venkatesh

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2020.057

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 266-269

Introduction: Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) are one of the leading causes of ocular trauma, especially in
developing countries like India. Aim of the study was to assess the pattern, frequency and visual impairment
due to ocular injuries following Road Traffic Accidents in patients attending tertiary care hospital.
Materials and Methods: This Prospective Observational Case-series study was conducted on 63 patients
who presented with history of ocular trauma following RTA to Ophthalmology OPD, HSK Hospital,
Bagalkot between June 2019-Dec 2019. All the cases were subjected to detailed history taking, anterior
and posterior segment examination, additional investigations whenever necessary.
Results: Ocular injuries following RTAs were found to be more common in males (77.7%) compared
to females and the maximum number of victims belonged to the age group of 21-30 years (38.09%).
Closed globe injuries (85.7%) outnumbered the Open globe injuries(14.3%). Majority of cases had no/slight
change in visual acuity following trauma.
Conclusion: Ocular injuries following RTAs are one of the leading causes of avoidable ocular morbidity
in working class males. Though severe sight-threatening ocular injuries were less in number, they can be
prevented if proper precautionary measures are followed.

Keywords: Closed globe injuries, Ocular trauma, Open globe injuries, Road Traffic Accidents (RTA).

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