Lichen planus- A case control study on association of lichen planus with hepaitits C virus infection

Authors : Rajesh G, Rajesh G, Raghavendra BN, Raghavendra BN, Naseef Mohammed K, Naseef Mohammed K

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijced.2020.038

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 190-193

Background: The etiology of lichen planus is predominantly autoimmune, with various associations. A
variable association of oral lichen planus with hepatitis- C infection has been reported extensively in the
literature. The same association has not been studied in this geographical region. The present study was
undertaken to evaluate the association of all clinical types of lichen planus with hepatitis-C virus infection
in subjects hailing from this region.
Objectives: To evaluate the association of lichen planus with hepatitis-C infection.
Settings and design: The study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital. This was an observational, case
control study.
Materials and Methods: The study comprised of 100 cases and an equal number of age and sex matched
healthy controls. The serum of both the groups was subjected to 4th generation HCV tridot test to detect
anti HCV antibodies.
Statistical analysis: The data was subjected to descriptive and inferential statistical analysis using mean,
percentage, frequency and Chi square test.
Results: The seropositivity of HCV antibody could not be demonstrated in any of the cases or control
Conclusion : The association of lichen planus with hepatitis C virus infection could not be demonstrated
in our study.

Keywords: Lichen planus- A case control study on association of lichen planus with hepaitits C virus infection.

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