Non traumatic avascular necrosis of navicular with subluxation of talonavicular joint

Authors : Ramnessh Kohli, Ashish Arya, Ashish Kohli

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijos.2020.025

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 137-139

There are various osseous pathologies affecting the tarsal navicular which lead to mid foot pain. These vary
from stress fractures and coalitions to overt fractures. Rarely, there is interruption of vascular supply. In
children, it is called Koehler disease. In adults, avascular necrosis of navicular is called Mueller –Weiss
syndrome. A case of non traumatic avascular necrosis of navicular is presented here.

Keywords: Navicular, Talonavicular joint.

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